Excellence. Integrity. Accountability.

My name is Melissa Semmler, and I want to be your next Conroe ISD school board trustee.

Devotion to education has always been my calling, as evidenced by my diverse career experience as a public school teacher, administrator, and English professor. Having faced firsthand the challenges that educators, learners, and leaders encounter, I have an intimate understanding of the educational landscape. As a Conroe ISD parent and active community member, I am strongly committed to preserving our district's safe, exceptional public schools that deliver top-quality education to every student.

The Issues

Academic Rigor

As a reader for the AP English Language Exam and a CISD Parent, I see the gaps present in education. I will use empirical data and input from district experts to provide a premier, proven education to ALL Conroe ISD Students. Our students are the future of our community, and they deserve the best education available.

School Safety

 Issues with bullying, cyberbulling, cybersecurity, and school violence, are detrimental to the learning environment. The trust between parents and schools is sacred, and I will work to maintain safe schools and foster that trust.    

Parent Involvement

CISD's brilliant, committed parents provide countless hours of service to support our schools. Parent involvement leads to improved student outcomes, and it helps create schools that reflect the values of our community. I am committed to fostering parent engagement because our parents help make our district shine!

Teacher Retention

As a teacher, I know firsthand how overwhelming teacher workloads can be. High turnover in teaching is detrimental to students, administrators, and families. I will improve teacher retention by addressing teacher concerns because our highly qualified teachers are the backbone of CISD!


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